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What is Autism?

About Autism Assessments for Adults


Autistic people often describe feeling different to other people. At Umbrella we aim to help people understand themselves and their differences and access any support they need.


Many people only realise they could be autistic when they reach adulthood. You might be autistic if you.....


  • Find social situations challenging or exhausting

  • Experience difficulties in developing or maintaining relationships with people around you

  • Have a preference for talking about topics or information rather than small talk or chit-chat

  • Find eye contact uncomfortable or even painful

  • Prefer structure, routine and predictability

  • Have intense interests and/or an ability to focus on things you are interested in for long periods of time

  • Are under or oversensitive to sensory experiences such as sound, vision, touch, smell or taste

  • Use movement or sensory behaviours to help yourself feel calm


This is not an exhaustive list, and all autistic people experience the world differently. Being autistic comes with a range of strengths as well as challenges. It does not mean that something is wrong with you, and many of the challenges experienced by autistic people come from trying to live in a world which is not set up for their brain.


Your assessment


Our assessment aims to provide a welcoming space to help you to better understand yourself and your experiences. We provide you with strategies and tools to advocate for yourself going forward.  Your assessment will involve talking to clinicians about your life and experiences, and completing some tasks and puzzles. Our assessments aim to be strength-focused and neuroaffirmative to help you celebrate your unique self. They adhere to the National Institute for Healthcare Excellence (NICE) guidelines and are accepted by the NHS. 

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